
10 Spiders You Might Find in Your New Home

You just bought your dream home and you’re over the moon; that is, until you notice a ton of creepy crawlers as you move in. Contractor’s Best Pest Solutions offers pest control inspections in real estate transactions to ensure the buyer is protected from the following 10 spiders commonly found in Georgia.

Black Widow

Poisonous and frightening, nobody wants to find black widows in their home or on their property. These spiders like to hide, which makes them dangerous if you reach blindly underneath something. They also love firewood, so be careful when you grab wood from your outdoor pile for the fireplace.


Officially called brown recluse spiders, fiddlers have a violin shape on their backs. These spiders are extremely poisonous, but they are called recluse spiders because they won’t bug you if you don’t bug them. Fiddlers like dark places, such as underneath your furniture and in your closets.

House (Common)

Thankfully, the common house spider is not poisonous, although you probably still don’t want to be bit by one. House spiders are usually brown (or yellowish-brown), so they can be mistaken for recluse spiders (look for the violin on the back to confirm it’s a recluse). House spiders like to be indoors.


Wolf spiders are creepy looking. They’re usually dark brown with stripes. They have long legs and hairy bodies, but they aren’t tarantulas. They like both indoor and outdoor spaces and tend to hide under the furniture, in firewood piles, in leaf piles, and under rocks. Wolf spiders move fast.


Like house spiders, crevice spiders can also be mistaken for fiddlers because they are brown. As their name suggests, crevice spiders like to hide in crevices. They particularly like ceiling corners, your floor’s baseboards, and the home’s window frames. They eat other household pests like flies.

Yellow Garden

The yellow garden spider is yellow and black. These spiders spin the fantastic, large webs you see in your garden. They like to fasten their webs to plants, and although they do have venom in their bites, they are not poisonous to humans. The venom only works to immobilize bees, flies, and other prey.

Orb Weaver

If you see a spider web that has a diameter of as much as 3 feet and an escape tunnel in the back, an orb weaver spun it. This brown, hairy-legged spider will build its impressive home at night, and it will bite you if it feels cornered. The bite will hurt – some liken it to a bee sting – but it isn’t poisonous.


Lynx spiders are so green that they can camouflage themselves in your plant leaves. Lynx spiders can run fast and jump long distances, so that makes them creepy in and of itself. They do bite if you make them feel defensive, but their bites are not poisonous. They are good for natural garden pest control.


Trapdoors are big and hairy. They are colorful, with bodies that can be black or reddish-brown or yellowish-brown. These spiders are nocturnal, and they really don’t want you to bother them. In fact, they’re quite shy. They are not poisonous and they live underground except when they hunt for pests.


Finally, light-brown to medium-brown, the hobo spider is also a non-poisonous spider. They build webs that look like funnels, and you’ll see them more often between June and October, which is their mating season. They like to live in moist and dark environments, such as basements and crawlspace.

Call Contractor’s Best Pest Solution in Buford, GA, at 678-765-6525 if you have a spider problem. We’d be happy to help.

Photo by Vzwer from Getty Images via Canva Pro

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