Pest Control Cumming GATips For Pest Control

Effective Pest Control Methods For Common Household Invaders – Pest Control Cumming GA

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Call Contractor’s Best Pest Solution Today

Have you ever wondered about not-so-common ways to keep common pests from invading your home? Every homeowner has had to deal with pests in one form or another. Some people call in pest control professionals at the first sight of creepy-crawlies. Others may consider the evidence of their presence as a common occurrence. No matter your approach, pests tend to multiply if you leave them alone, and it won’t be long before you have an infestation on your hands. While there are limits to most do-it-yourself pest control, professionals use several effective methods to help you get rid of unwanted visitors.

Non-Toxic Pest Control

Pesticides remain a popular solution for eradicating most common household pests, but toxic chemicals may do more harm to your home and family than the pests. You can use baits, traps, natural ingredients or simple prevention techniques to keep pests at bay. But if the situation is already out of control, you can call in a licensed pest control company and ask them to use non-toxic methods to clear the pests out. Some effective solutions are insecticidal soaps, sticky traps, protective barriers and monitors.


Prevention is a valuable non-toxic pest control method. If you understand what attracts pests in the first place, and take measures to keep them out, you’ll prevent a lot of problems associated with a pest infestation. Simple prevention methods include sealing off points of entry, cutting off food and water sources that attract pests, and ensuring your home environment is not pest-friendly.

Chemical Pest Control

Chemical pest control is by far the easiest and most popular method of pest management. It is the method of choice for pest control companies and homeowners – just look at the number of products on the shelves at chain retailers and home improvement stores. Your pest control company may recommend a chemical solution when it’s the best alternative to eliminate pests. One of the popular methods in this category is tenting or fumigating where the entire home is sealed before spraying a fumigant to suffocate the pests. Tenting will require that you stay away from the home for a few days until the fumigant wears off.

Biological Pest Control

The biological method of pest control is still fairly new and is probably best reserved for outdoor use. If you’re faced with the challenge of pests preying on your kitchen garden, you can introduce beneficial insects or animals to prey on those pests. These natural enemies prey on the pests to reduce their population. Fishes introduced into your natural water bodies will feed on mosquito larvae and reduce the occurrence of mosquitoes in the summer. Lady beetles can prey on aphids, which are destructive to most crops.

Choose One That Works

Whether you choose a non-toxic, biological or chemical method to get rid of pests in your home, the key is to act fast before pests take over your property. Cheap solutions and DIY remedies may not always be the best solution when dealing with certain pests. If you’re unsure, you should hire professionals to get the job done.

Pest Control Cumming GA


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